EMF Protection

EMF protection is all about protecting the human body from the electromagnetic fields emitting from the Sun and Technology. The Universe is all about energy. When our body energy levels are in a balanced state, it is said to be in harmony with the Universe. However, when we are exposed to EMF radiation from the Sun and technology in our environment, our energy levels tend to be distorted. This distortion of the body energy levels gives rise to health challenges such as stress. This is the reason everyone needs to look out for EMF protection. You can check it out here.

protect your health from emf

Further reasons why we need EMF protection

We use technological devices everyday in the office, at home or; even when we are on transit in the car, train and or on flight. These technological devices range from telephone handsets  and wrist watches to laptops and computers. When electric and magnetic fields join into one field, the result is called electromagnetic fields (EMF) which form radiation. Science and Technology have revealed to us that electrical appliances and devices also create EMFs. Really, these devices and electrical gadgets that make our world today pose potential health risks as we get in contact with them. And most people who use these gadgets are unaware of this potential danger.

Moreover, in our natural environment, the sun emits waves that create EMFs, or radiation and we see its energy radiating out in the form of a spectrum of visible light.

Guess what! These electrical we use on a daily basis in our homes and offices emit EMF energy fields which tend to have negative effects on our body. Long exposure to this radiation could cause serious health issues. Therefore, thre is every need to restore our health from the EMF

Sources of EMFs that we know are as follows:

  • Radioactive elements
  • Ultra Violet radiation such as the Sun
  • Medical devices such as X-ray machines
  • Household appliances (hairdryers, washing machines, microwave ovens, computers, etc)
  • Cellular phones, wireless routers
  • Artificial intelligence (internet of things)

Ways to protect your health from EMF

EMF protection

The EMFs affect the energy points in our body and these energy points are essentially the nerves, major organs, and energy fields in our body. The EMFs affect our emotional and physical well-being as we are exposed to them in our daily activities. This they do by interacting with the energy fields of our body and subsequently distorting the natural flow of energy to appropriate organs in our body.  Not to worry because, I found amazing products that can reverse the effects of these electromagnetic fields and give you a smooth journey to health and wellness. These products can guarantee instant EMF protection to your body.

Fortunately, there are precautions you can take to get protection from these electromagnetic frequencies. I found a spectacular resource for a variety of devices. You can check them out here.

Here are a few more steps you may take to ensure your safety from these waves:

  1. Don’t sit or linger near appliances that are functionally on.
  2. Put your phone down.
  3. Make use of the speaker function or earbuds of your phone.
  4. Cease from carrying your phone in your pocket.
  5. Turn off your computer and routers when not in use
  6. Carry on you any of these incredible products I found for you.